Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Floating: Working Horse vs. Senior Horse

Lana Delaney, DVM Delaneyvetservices.ca.
Professional Background:
We strive to provide timely and courteous communication in regards to your question, concerns and patient results. We seek to educate you, the owners solidifing that the care of your animal is a team effort and we look forward to being a part of it!
HSQ: How often do you recommend floating a senior horse? Do we need to pay more attention to floating our working horses more regularily?

A: All horses should have their teeth checked on a yearly basis. Some horses that
have know teeth issues, such as missing teeth or marked steps (where one tooth
is longer than the opposing tooth) should be check more regularily -every six
months. Older horses (greater than 17 years of age) do not erupt teeth as
quick as younger horses and their teeth are " harder" thus do not form sharp
edges as quickly, however, most older horses need as much help as they can get
to keep weight on. If you notice any age of horse develops facial swelling,
nasal (unilateral)discharge, putrid breath, marked weight loss, or picky eating
( won't eat hay but will eat grain or vice versa) should have their teeth
examined by a veterinarian. This may require sedation to assist in a full oral
Work horses may require their teeth checked/floated more regularily eg every 6
month because they require all they can get to maximize their calorie intake
plus we expect them to stay collected, keep soft contact with the bit etc and
some horses have very sensitive mouths.
Always have a horses mouth checked and possibly floated prior to starting
training with a bit this will alleviate frustations later. Some horses may
have impacted wolf teeth, impacted caps, or enlarged hooks or ramps that will
definately not make them happy to have somthing in their mouths.
Thank you for your interest in your Horses Health!

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