Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Equine Therapy - What is it? Who needs it?

Professional Background:
Hello there! My name is Tralauney Farthing and I am a Certified Equine Therapist providing care to Alberta's horses. I graduated from Helen J. Woods' Equine Chiropractic School in 2007 and began my business shortly after. I am also a Registered Emergency Medical Technician and have 5 years experience as a Veterinary Assistant. I have done my best to surround myself with horses all my life and probably much like yourself was born with the "horse addiction". My career interests have always been medically oriented and I feel that I have finally found an outlet that is both therapeutic to my patients and myself.
Q: What is Equine Chiropractics?
Horse chiropractics is the manual maneuvering of the vertebral structure to ensure nervous system control and complete muscle coordination. It is a drugless, non invasive treatment that can help you to realize your horses full potential and relieve it's pain.
Q: How can misalignment affect my horse?
Misalignment or subluxation, which is defined as a vertebrae that is unable to move (articulate) correctly, causes irritation to the nerves and muscles which affect movement and mobility. Subluxation interferes with flexibility of the back and neck and disrupts the functioning of the nervous system. This can lead to stiffness, discomfort, resistance, decreased performance, muscle spasms and pain. Horses will show compensatory changes in posture and movement, most often due to referral of weight.
Q: What is a stress point?
The stress points are where ligaments and tendons come together in that muscle group. Nerve irritation due to misalignment, stress, fatigue or injury can cause these stress points and muscle groups to become tight and begin to shut down. When this happens the muscle groups do not get the oxygen they require and they become very susceptible to minor or major rips and tears.
Q: How are stress points relieved?
After the stress points and muscle groups are examined, manual pressure is applied to the stress point (acupressure), then the muscle group is massaged. Massage therapy increases circulation bringing a fresh supply of blood and oxygen, removes toxins from the area such as lactic acid and can alleviate spasms. This is an effective form of treatment providing relief of muscle tension, thereby promoting relaxation and initiating the body's own innate healing.
Q: Why is saddle fitting necessary?
A proper fitting saddle, though often overlooked, is one of the most important gifts you can give yourself and your horse. It connects you together and allows for communication. The saddle may be considered an extension of you and an ill fitting saddle has the potential to damage your relationship with your horse. It also has the potential to cause misalignment, atrophy and injury throughout your horse's body.
I absolutely Love this work! I genuinely care about the health and well being of every horse I meet and there is nothing more rewarding to me than knowing that I have helped to ease an animals pain. I am dedicated in building the bond between you and your horse by improving it's willingness, happiness and health. I look forward to helping you both!
Thanx for reading - T

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