Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Winter Problems with Equine Coat Conditions

Q: A few of my horses get a scaley type of bumps between their front legs and on their chest in winter months. When It is picked off a bit of yellow substance comes with it along with some hair. There are also random clumps over the body but in no particular pattern. Otherwise coat condition is good and they are on a mixed grass bale of Timothy Brome with a bit of Alfalfa. They also have access to a salt lick and plenty of water. What might it be?
and what can I do to treat it? Will it spread?

A: First off skin conditions can be very confusing and difficult to diagnose in
horses. This kind of condition can be due to many different problems such as bacterial, fungal and many other unknowns.
The most common condition with these clinical signs is Dermatophilus Congolensis - commonly referred to as "rain scald" or "rain rot" caused by a bacteria. This bacteria flourishes in wet dirty conditions, such as you would find on a horse in the winter wearing a blanket and in folded skin areas. Usually these lesions are not itchy, the scab is "paintbrush like" and can spread very quickly if not treated appropriately.
Q: How do I treat it? My horses are kept at home and I do not have a barn therefore I am not able to body wash them in winter months.
A: In an ideal situation the horse would be brought into a barn, bathed with medicated shampoo, rinsed well then blow dried off and an antibacterial ointment applied to the affected area. However this doesn't work for most people.
**Most importantly do not "brush" the area this only spreads the bacteria to other areas on the horse**
**Do not 'use' infected brushes on other horses as it can be passed along by brushing
Whenever treating any infection on a horse always wear latex/vinyl gloves so YOU do not transfer bacteria from your skin to a horses wound.
  1. Clean the spotted areas with medicated soap such as
    betadine/prepodyne scrub, leave soap on for 5 minutes,
  2. Rinse well, towel dry
  3. Apply an anti-bacterial cream.
  4. If Possible keep blankets off so you can to allow the hair to air out.
This bacteria is not contagious from one horse to another but often horses share
the same environmental conditions and blanket/brush situation thus have the same skin infection.
If the skin condition spreads, the skin becomes swollen/painfull or
does not appear to improve in 1 - 2 weeks then contact your local veterinarian
to work up your horses skin condition, this may involve collection and
submission of skin biopsies, skin scrapings and blood work.
Thank you for your interest in your Horses Health!

Lana Delaney, DVM
Professional Background:
We strive to provide timely and courteous communication in regards to your question, concerns and patient results. We seek to educate you, the owners solidifing that the care of your animal is a team effort and we look forward to being a part of it!

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